Today was our MUCH anticipated beauty sale. I learned they haven’t had one since May and it sure looked like it. We had over 50 bins filled to the brim with beauty products as well as 6 huge dumpsters packed with boxes of more stuff. A dozen of the staff and interns helped divide everything into categories. It was an all-day project and the amount of things we had to organize was pretty intimidating. The fashion closet also had a good amount of their items to put up for sale. 15 tables, 4 racks of clothing and hundreds of boxes later, we finally finished organizing everything within 4 hours.
With a simple e-mail, word spread that our beauty sale was today. People lined up all around the perimeter of the floor to get into the sale. People were pressed up against the glass doors to try to get a peek at the goodies we had inside. It was clearly madness as they all stampeded into the conference room. 2 hours of the sale went by pretty fast and at the end of the day I was exhausted. I’m still not sure what the total amount we made was, but we estimated about $8,000. 100% of it always goes to a charity so I was glad to do my part help out!
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